Monday, November 7, 2011


Saturday was an unusual day where we didn't have separate schedules and actually had a relaxing morning.  I suggested that we do something (because why would we ever just sit around enjoying the morning?!) and thought maybe we could hit up some garage sales.  Well, I'm glad we did.  We hit the jackpot!  We rolled up on this sale (and actually found my mom and Evie at the same sale) and she pointed out this chair that had a price tag of $15.  It was this recliner chair that was a nice tan color and looked in near perfect condition.  The only problem - the part where you put your feet up on was broken.  Regardless, we paid the man $10 (because we don't ever pay full price if we don't have to) and thus Justin had a new Saturday project.

Instead of installing a toilet (which happened too), he worked all afternoon on fixing this near perfect LazyBoy recliner.  Well, he is a master at fixing anything and had it all fixed up by Sunday.  It was the highlight of his weekend and he couldn't wait to fall asleep on Sunday afternoon in his new recliner while watching football.

He might have told me I'm not allowed to sit in it because it's a LazyBOY and not a LazyGIRL, but what he doesn't know is that I might be blogging in his chair right now.

1 comment:

Melody said...

Awesome sale find! We didn't go to the show cause it was so late but I heard it was great! I knew she wouldn't make it through the show so my sis just took her to the tea they had before. They got a light up rose, tea & cookies, heard Belle & Gaston sing & they walked around the tables talking to the kids. She really liked it!