Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What Bathroom Project?

Lately we have been so busy!  Let's see...Caramel has found a new place to get furry.  She LOVES Haylie's new bed...and so does Haylie.  Haylie has done really great.  Staying in, not falling out, ya know, the good stuff.

We also had Haylie's good friend Ava (Va-Va) come over for a semi-sleep over!  The girls did really good.  Ava stayed on her trundle bed and Haylie (for the most part) stayed in her bed.  They were both asleep by 9 pm after about an hour of giggling.
Haylie loves her new shoes I found her at Old Navy.  So much so, that she just laid on the floor wearing them while watching Elmo.  This girl loves shoes.
Oh, wait, we also have a bathroom renovation going on.  Justin has been a powerhouse and working on it pretty much by himself for awhile. My contribution has been going to get the soap dish and shower shelves.  Last night I finally was able to lay some tile with him, after Bug-a-boo went to sleep.  This bathroom seems to be going SO much faster than our other.  It might be because the tiles are a lot bigger so we can cover more footage with just one tile.  Whew.  We have given ourselves a deadline to get it done.  October 13. 
Think we'll make it?  We'll find out!!


Tarren and Erin said...

Then you can go out for an anniversary celebration when it is all finished!

Team Andrews said...

I'm still so impressed they actually went to sleep! haha. Bathrooms looking good!