Friday, September 9, 2011

And it begins...

Yesterday was Haylie's first day of Sonshine School.  She has no clue what was about to happen that day or why she had a lunch box.

Apparently I'm in love with this new blue color.  You can't even see her backpack/lunchbox.  It blends in!
 She's such a pretty girl (I'm biased, I know).  Look at her hair!  It's actually out of her face!

Crying all the way to school.  She now hates being in her even if we are going somewhere fun it's a major fight getting her there safely.
 Oh wait.  As soon as we pull into the parking lot to school, she pulls her hair out.  Sweet.
But then she refuses to get out of the car.
Mop top Haylie right outside her classroom!
I worried and thought about her all day.  Hoping she would nap, not get kicked out on her first day and would actually eat something during lunch time.  She did GREAT!!  She napped the whole designated nap time and had no tears all day until I came to pick her up.  I can't say I didn't bawl as soon as I got back to my car kid-free, but I quickly snapped out of it so I could go do some fun grocery shopping.  Yes, I think I'm going to LOVE Sonshine School. And she will too!!!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Erin - you are Hilarious! I love your blog! ;) Kiss H for me! She's growing up! I'm happy and sad !