Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nursery. Stuff.

We have officially started on the nursery! I am so excited about it - I hope my vision comes out the way I want it to. This is my inspiration...people look at me funny when I tell them what colors I'm choosing, so maybe this will help clear things up :) But since I'm way to cheap to actually pay $200+ for a crib set that I probably won't use all of, I didn't see the point. So, my mom is helping me make the bedding (er, SHE is making the bedding. I'm not much of a sew-er.) and I bought some pretty curtains at IKEA. Which, none of the fabric we bought is anything like this picture - except the might just be an "eclectic room." But, it's coming together. We purchased a crib and will be picking it up tomorrow night!

I already know one of the great-grandma's doesn't approve of my color choices - but hey. It's our kid, our decision. It's okay though - I'm sure she'll get plenty of pink. :)


Allison said...

Lovin' the color choices. What a chic baby room! Can't wait to see it all put together.

Kayla said...

I like it!

Emily said...

I saw your blog through Gena's and I HAD to comment on this. My daughter's room is red and white and I love it. Do not believe the naysayers because there will be so much pink with clothes, blankets, etc. that it will be enough to make even the most avid pink lovers puke.

I tell everyone having a girl not to do a pink nursery.

Chellie said...

I like it too..

the WiLsOnS said...

I like it Erin. Can't wait to see your finished product.