Friday, March 11, 2011

I Must Be That Naive

It all started innocently enough.  Haylie had a sporadic cough, but nothing that I thought was "Dr. Worthy."  So, I let it go.  Then today when she woke up from her nap, her eyes had the yellow gunk like her previous sickness (oh wait, wasn't that just a week ago??) and her breathing was very labored.  I thought my baby was having an asthma attack  (valid, since asthma runs in our family.) When Justin got home, we go to Mercy AfterHours since I hadn't heard back from Haylie's dr.  I told Justin we didn't need her diaper bag because how long would it take? So off we go, grab a number and wait.  And wait, wait, wait.  After Justin checks out the situation - because keeping Haylie happy at this point is ridiculous - it appears they called our number 20 minutes ago but we didn't hear them.  Maybe because we are sitting with a sick one year old who doesn't keep her feelings hidden from the world.  We finally get to a room and after waiting what seems like another eternity and singing every song that comes to our minds, the doctor comes in and examines her.  "Let's rule out pnemonia with an x-ray - it's probably just bronchitis, but she does have an ear infection.  Do you have insurance?  I don't want to order all this if you are paying out of pocket." (So then, is it REALLY necessary???)  So we jump and dance all the way to the x-ray room in attempts to keep H happy.  Justin was gracious enough to go in with her to get the x-ray because I don't know whats worse.  Hearing your baby cry from the hall way, or being in the room holding her down.  I opted for sit-in-the-hallway-and-try-desperately-to-keep-from-breaking-down.  Fast forward to where we are about to be discharged and they bring in this:

It's a nebulizer for her breathing and we get to hold a mask to her face for 5 minutes while she screams her head off.  She fought that thing with all her might.  So, trying to help J calm H down and talk to the nurse while she is moving at a snails pace putting everything back in the "cute little igloo", I almost grabbed all the cords and tubing and jammed it in the package so we could get the heck out of there. 

Let's recap.  Don't go to the doctor without insurance (which we didn't, thankfully).  Don't go to the doctor without a diaper bag full of toys.  Don't go to the doctor without food/snacks. 

I'm going to go pray now that we won't get another sickness for at least 7 years.  I can't deal with this every other week!!


Ryan and Katie said...

I hear ya sister! So sorry she is sick again! We waited over an hour for our well baby today and the whole time I kept thinking "she is just picking up MORE germs from the lobby while we wait so I'm sure we'll be back here soon!"

April said...

Poor girl & Momma. The last time we went to after hours, we took at football. Boys are a little different! Hope H gets to feeling better soon!