Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Been How Long?

Today is the day Justin and I got married 4 years ago. Since I'm not a mushy, lovey dovey person, I won't gross you out with mushy, lovey dovey stuff. So instead, here is a list of things about my husband that you might not know...and maybe won't care to but I'm still sharing anyway.

1. He paces when he is on a telephone call. Doesn't matter who he is talking to, he just circles the house and walks all around - never sitting still.

2. The very last thing he ever does getting ready is brush his teeth. He looks ready to me and I feel like we are ready to walk out the door when it always comes..."Wait, I have to brush my teeth."

3. He is very particular about having extra, back up items in the house. He gets frustrated when there aren't 2 back up shampoos or extra tomato sauces for those times when we "just might need them."

4. He has a one track mind. If he has something that he has been thinking about, he won't stop thinking or talking about it until he has come to some sort of resolution. There is no sense in even trying to talk about something else.

5. He is borderline obsessed with giving our daughter a mohawk.

6. He is allergic to cats but he lets me have one anyway.

7. He blows his nose with all the force he can muster. This has scared our daughter numerous times but he insists on "getting everything out!"

8. He loves the Lord and Haylie & I with every ounce of his being. I am so blessed to be married to this guy. He impresses me daily with his energy and zeal for life.

He definitely keeps me on my toes!! That's what makes being married to him so fun!

Happy Anniversary!


Kayla said...

Number 8 sounded pretty lovey dovey to me!

Rachel said...

What, couldn't come up with 10 resons? Haha...happy anniversary!

Rachel said...


Justin Cornell said...

Wow, some of these things I didn't even know about myself. I guess I am here to keep you on your toes. :o) Thanks for loving me regardless!

Darla said...

The nose blowing had me on the floor!