Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apparently I am the best pillow. Today Haylie would not take her nap unless she was laying on me. I tried on 4 different occasions to hold her until she was drowsy/asleep then transfer her to her designated sleeping place (meaning not on me!). I am getting to be a softie because she used to be able to fall asleep on her own, but since I'm trying to wean her, I felt like she needed more "Mommy cuddle time" and she will now just stand up in her crib and wail (and I mean WAIL) instead of falling asleep like a good girl. So today we spent lots of time rocking and I caught up on my Berenstain Bears. In the book of "Too Much Birthday", did you know that the 5 & 6 year old cubs play Spin the Bottle? Those Berestain Bears are not teaching good lessons!


Alissa said...

hahaha. LOVE Bernstein bears!! wow i guess i completely overlooked that whole spin the bottle part...

jlair said...

Rylee was asking me about spin the bottle the other day. I asked her where she heard about that game and she said the Bernstein Bears. I don't know if I'm ready for all this child rearin'. It's quite scary!