We had a busy weekend! Grandma (Justin's mom) came down this weekend to see us & of course her favorite granddaughter. (I can say that because she's the only girl). We didn't do too much, it was just nice to spend time together.

One exciting thing for the Columbia Cornells was that Mizzou beat OU! Haylie sported her Mizzou bow at church Sunday morning and is proclaiming that they are #1.

Sunday evening after church we attended the Trunk or Treat. I bought her costume at a consignment sale (brand new!) and it was pretty dang cute. She loves being FiFi the poodle.

We only got a few pieces of candy because we don't want to rot
our her teeth out.

It was a great weekend and we are so glad Grandma came to town!
We were going to try and go to that game but I am soooooooooo glad we didnt because I would have been really mad to spend that money and time for such a bad loss for OU! But everyone in these parts were happy of course!!
I can't believe you're allowing your daughter to cheer on that black and gold team (their name is not allowed in our house)....I will pray for her. :)
Her costume was awesome! Wish we would have seen it too!
I am not real sure how I feel about that hair bow. I am a little upset about it.
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