Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Rare Jewel

This weekend was a rare one. We had minimal plans and I liked it that way. Friday night came and we stayed at home with a pizza and watched my sister's kids. Ice Age was the movie of the night and so Eli, Justin & I watched the movie, played the games, watched all the extra bonus features, played the games some more...Eli was so into it. Evie just slept like a little angel.

Saturday morning I popped up, running late as usual, for the Pass It On kids consignment sale. How many times has Haylie woken up at 7am on the dot, except for the one Saturday I'm planning on her to do so? Oh well. Still make it to the sale by 8 am (with picking up 2 others) and got an arm-load of winter lovelies for Haylie. We then ran to our good friend Olivia's first birthday party and had fun enjoying her loving the tissue paper instead of actual gifts and refusing to eat the cupcake until she was good and ready.

Coming home, we hit a garage sale or two, and then we had the rest of the do nothing. And nothing is what we did. I napped. I played with Haylie. I put off doing laundry and dishes. I read. I went to bed early.

Sunday was a morning of church, which was wonderful. We came home, sat on the porch with lunch and listened to the rain. Haylie napped. I napped. Justin napped. We watched football. We went to Financial Peace and dinner with friends. And now here we are. On the couch. Contemplating going to bed early. I'm not sure what to do with myself - two naps and not running ourselves ragged on a weekend? I'm in love.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but it sounds like you guys are bored with nothing to do and really want to paint our house and pack our house! Hahaha. I love empty weekends as well!