The attitude is still there, but physically, my baby has gotten a wee bit bigger!

I just noticed that both outfits have cupcakes on them. We(I) love sweets and apparently like to wear clothes to prove it!
We went to the doctor the day before she turned 9 months and got shots. Never fun but we didn't have a reaction quite like last time. She is 16.12 lbs and is 27 in. long - the lower percentile & definitely on the petite side.
She eats pretty much anything we put in her face and can put away Cheerios like they are going out of style. She is crawling - but not anywhere fast & loves to find all air vents that will blow air in her face. She thinks they are so fun. When she gets tired, she doesn't want anyone but me but when I hold her, she wants to get down & play. She doesn't snuggle very much - she is always on the move and needs to be held facing outward. Nosy thing - just like her Mimi!
She has a temper like a demon and the lungs of a drama queen. She is starting to throw tantrums on the floor...I, for one, didn't think that would start so early. Ugh!
Justin and I love our baby girl so much! I can't believe in a few short months, we will be celebrating her 1st birthday. Someone get the tissues ready...
love the cupcake outfits and love you Haylie! (the tantrum thing took me by surprised how early they started too!)
Wow.. that's a big change!
B throws fits too. I didn't know that tantrums were something they would be born understanding...
So time for number 2?? ;)
Maybe you'll get lucky and by the time she's 2-3, she'll be so over tantrums and drama that she will want to be a perfect angel!!!
I love her too. And cupcakes!
Nosy??? Whatever do you mean?!
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