Saturday, June 12, 2010

No Strollers, Please!

Thanks to Aunt Janet and Uncle Paul's gift certificate, we got to take a trip to Sears today to get some pictures taken! I have been pretty excited about this because I haven't had pictures done of our family of 3 since...well, ever. So today was the day! We got all matchy-matchy, drove to Sears and posed with our best smiles. We were finally able to look at our pictures and we got some good ones! But...there was one of the three of us - Justin was holding Haylie and I'm smiling away. Noticing something awkward, I leaned in for a better look...Justin is flipping off the camera! *Groan* He was holding H, who was getting wiggly and he was using his middle finger (why just one finger??) to keep her arm down. I guess that won't be the one that we get enlarged...

Justin also had a gift certificate to JCPenney, so we had brought the stroller in for Haylie. We did some shopping and went down to the food court via elevator. On the way back, I didn't want to wait for it along with the 25 other strollers. The escalator has a sign that says "No Strollers Please" (which I pointed out) so Justin carried it up the flight of stairs. We had one more level to go and Justin told me, "Whatever, I'm taking it up the escalator." So he goes with the stroller backwards and I'm holding Haylie to the side. Not two steps into it, the stroller gets stuck between the escalator handrail walls. He is furiously trying to lift it out and get it unstuck and a line is forming behind Haylie and I to wait to use the escalator. Justin is somehow keeping his coordination in check and is walking backwards while trying to get the stroller unstuck from between the two escalator walls. He looks up and smiles at the people in the line and says, "I didn't see the sign." HA. Liar. Finally an older guy comes to help lift it out (I was just standing there laughing hysterically - what could I do? I had the baby in my arms!) and Justin lifts it over his head like Hercules for the rest of the trip up the escalator.

Poor Justin. I doubt we will be visiting the mall again any time soon.


Gena said...

Oh, that's so funny . I always wondered why they have those signs. I guess that's the reason!

Chellie said...

hilarious!! We took ours on the escalator once too.. almost got stuck.. It's just so annoying to wait in the elevator line! I've learned that the line at the elevators inside the department stores are always shorter so if you aren't in the food court try those.

Tarren and Erin said...

HA! I seriously considered the stroller on the escalator thing but didn't do it. Thank you, Justin, for letting us learn from your mishaps!