Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Clues

If you ever wondered about a baby's gender, most of the time you can look at contextual clues. These include but are not limited to the car seat, blankets, the outfit or whether the parent says, "he", "she", "him", "her" get the point.

The other day I went to visit my Nana at the nursing home. One of the nurses stopped me and wanted to see "the baby." Haylie has a pink bundle me on her carseat (clue #1) and was wearing a totally pink outfit (clue #2). So the nurse goes, "ohhh how sweet. Is it a boy or a girl?" Trying to hold back any sarcastic comments, I just told her she was a girl. So the nurse goes, "Oh really? She looks like such a boy! Really? It's a girl?"


Maybe I'll buy one of these so people won't have to wonder anymore.


Chellie said...

A baby wig... that's hilarious! I can't believe that lady said she looked like a boy after you told her she was a girl. That's so rude

Candice said...

Yes, is unbelievable that people cannot see how rude they are being..or they are too mean to care. Wait until she gets a cold and everyone blames you for not putting her in a hat (which I mother yelled at me for that one...and she sees his pictures all the time) or for not washing her hands (mother in law). The rudeness is even worse when it is people close to you...

carly said...

Oh gosh what a dumb person!
Erin, um, please don't buy her the wig. ;)

Amy said...

better get use to matter where we go, Autumn gets called a boy when she is in pink all the time with a pink or purple blanket. One guy said I saw the bald head and thought therefore I guess all bald babies are boys???!!!! hehe I love people's perspectives on our kids!

Alissa said...

Hahaha. I didn't even know they made such a thing!! I didn't have hair til I was 2 so I am sure I'll get plenty of those comments in the coming months.

Unknown said...

I HATED when that happened! How thick can people be!? I think a baby wig is the perfect solution!

Gena said...

My son was wearing a camo hat, brown coat, jeans, and snowboots and a friend I haven't seen much since he was born kept calling him a girl. Given, he was holding his sister's pink purse. Still. She was so embarrassed....