Friday, November 13, 2009

Some Friday Thoughts

I passed Sonic this afternoon at 2:08 - prime happy hour time. All 6 cars waiting in line were white.

I got home from work this afternoon - long enough to pee - and I got a knock on the door. It was a younger guy trying to sell me a $78 jug of cleaning stuff. Why isn't he in school? Is this going to happen more often when I'm at home with Haylie? I might need to get us a sign.

Most Friday afternoons I try to go run a few errands. And I most always run into Phyllis Allen. Today we met at Ross!

Do people feel bad when they are the only one turning and they make about 10 cars stop just so they have their turn?

Here is a hint - if someone stops to let you cross in front of their car, please don't saunter as slow as you can, practically stopping to look around, while they are waiting. They might not be in a hurry, but there is a time limit before I run you over!

Yesterday I went to the doctor for another weekly check up. I am at a 3 and 50% effaced. Dr. Wilks didn't think I would go as long as my due date. Hurray for an early baby (hopefully)!


Michelle said...

a 3....that's nice, I never got that far! Good luck! Some guy tried to sell me cleaner today too, it took me about 5 times to tell him I wasn't interested until he went away, all while I was starting to unload groceries out of the car

Candice said...

I also got to be a very aggressive/nervous/irritable driver when pregnant! So funny to hear you:).

Melody said...

Yeah for progressing! Can't wait to meet Haylie!

Kayla said...

Yes it will happen more often. Lots of boys selling magazines and when you say no sorry not this time, they guilt trip you by asking why you wouldn't want to help fund students education and when you say I'm sorry I'm paying for leukemia right now, they say their grandpa has that and is still helping out......Have fun staying at home :)

Mandy said...

I printed off a no soliciting sign because of all the people that came to the door. Now every now and then someone comes and I just point to the sign and shut the door!