Monday, November 30, 2009

False Alarm

No baby yet, but we ended up going to the hospital last night about midnight. I was having contractions about 2-5 minutes apart and they were what I thought to be painful. Well, apparently they get worse?! So they checked me at the beginning and I was still a 3. They monitored the contractions and the baby's heartbeat for about 30 minutes and then Justin and I roamed the halls of Mercy for about an hour in my classy grandma looking mumu of a hospital gown. There is absolutely nothing interesting at a hospital late at night. We did go into the NeuroScience hall and got to see the glass dome and big Christmas tree. Whoo. Hoo. And passed by the morgue. That's always joyful. Anyway, we got back to the room and I was checked again and no change. So, they let us go home.

I wasn't about the have the baby before 7 am anyway. My doctor is back in town but wasn't on call - the bad one was. So, I knew I wasn't going to allow Haylie to come until my doctor was able to be there.

On our way home, the nurse gave me an Ambien so I would hopefully be able to sleep through some of the contractions. I took it in the car and Justin told me I wasn't allowed to fall asleep until we got home. On the way though, we get PULLED OVER by a cop. He clocked Justin going 77 on the turnpike - which is 70. Geez. So Justin explained that we were coming home from the hospital and the cop was great and only gave him a warning. Whew. We do not need a ticket at the beginning of this journey.

So, we are optimistic that Haylie will come on her own and the nurse was thinking even today or tomorrow. We shall see!!!


Unknown said...

When I was laboring with Lily, the nurses didn't think I was *actually* having contractions, so they moved me to a regular (non-birthing) room and gave me Ambien (my water had broken, so I had to stay in the hospital.) Anyway, Lily was born less than 4 hours after I took the Ambien. I guess it made me nice and relaxed to have contractions... I was just a little groggy when she came. :)

Good luck in the coming days!!

Brei said...

Whoo Hoo! I am so excited that it's gonna happen so soon!

Melody said...

After you posted on my wall last night, I kept thinking about you & wondering if they had gotten worse! Hopefully today things are going okay......she'll be here soon!

Jana said...

Wow! I hope this goes quick for you! They say the second pregnancy is supposed to be faster. Whatever! I have been dilated to 3cm and having contractions for 10 days now! I'm sooo ready to have this kid!

Good Luck!! I'm so excited for you!