I've been outed at work. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I wore a maternity shirt (that I SWORE did not look like one) and was asked loudly around co-workers if I was "with child", or what. Then since that episode, I was "encouraged" to tell my big boss that I was preggo and that was one of the most embarrassing things I've done in awhile. Nothing like going in to tell your boss about you being "knocked up." Luckily, all these incidents went fairly smoothly. It's not that I didn't want people to find out that I was, ahem, "with child", it's just that I didn't want to TELL people (at work) and they could just figure it out on their own. LOL - I mean, it's going to be obvious.
So now I feel like the pressure is on. They want to start looking for my replacement like, TOMORROW, if I'm going to not return to work. On the other hand, do I want to come back?! I've been told that part time would definitely be an option, if I wanted to consider that. What I'm wondering is, am I going to go crazy being at home all day every day with no/little adult interaction...or am I going to love being at home all day every day with my baby and have the flexibility to do what I want (well, or so I think?) All my life I dreamed of doing what my mom did - stay at home with us while we were little and eventually return to the workforce when we were older. I'm debating with myself every day...and I think I really can only put off my decision for a month - max. Oh, decisions, decisions.
Well, I'm just going to avoid it all. Back to Twilight, Book 3. :)
You'll want to stay a home everyday with your baby....I work part time you know and I dread going to work...that's just my two cents, if you can stay, I'd do it! But I wouldn't tell work if you need to keep your insurance!
I say if you are considering still working, keep it as an option and in the end God will help you realize what is best for you! I work 3 hours a week right now, but I worked 15 hours a week after Corban. It was hard to fit it all in but I needed to figure that out and give it a try. As we had two more, God has shown me that my babies need me more and has given me the blessing to work as little or as much as I feel. I agree with Michelle on the insurance thing!
I love staying home every day with Cole. I would consider working part time if it was an option (just a few hours a week) but it isn't for me. It is hard for me to leave him with people, but I think a break would be good every now and then...however, if we remained in Oklahoma I wouldn't want to work at all. There are no SAHMs here and many there so I would have a very active social life and Cole and I would get to interact with those our own ages regularly.
I agree with the stay at home option! If you can do it, I would! Being at home with your kids full time is one of the best jobs you can have and is most important in my opinion! If you need a short break...there is always the option of part-time work, while the kids go to Sonshine school or something, but I personally use that break to run errands and have ME time. I also agree with Candice...there are so many SAHMs here there are lots of opportunities for playdates and adult interaction, so if thats what you're seeking...I'm sure you could get that goal met.
my grandparents have that dot on their plate so people don't think it says bet here!
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