Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Hormones are Raging

Everyone always says that when you are pregnant, you are going to be having some CRAZY hormones flowing through your body. Well, I (think) I'm still acting normal. After all, I still get along with my friends, I haven't really blown up at Justin (just short snaps, but eh - those are normal) and I don't feel like I've obtained "psycho" chick that Jenny McCarthy talks about...UNTIL I get to work. For some reason, I have a really hard time being at work right now - being nice to co-workers, having a positive attitude when people ask me to do my job, not blowing up at people who are trying to lighten my work load, not hanging up on people when they are rude. Even people's breathing is starting to get annoying. Today was probably the worst day yet - and I'm hoping that when they all find out in a few weeks that I DO have a reason, they will forgive me.

Today, though, I got a nice surprise and that seemed to help my mood tremendously! Justin sent me flowers at work for my first "Mother's Day." I thought that was really sweet and thoughtful, especially since he is at the lake this weekend. What a great hubby!!

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