Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday Afternoons

At my job a few months ago, they sent out an email that said we were now closing at noon on Fridays. I was so excited that I just couldn't stand it. I love having Friday afternoons off...just to be by myself or to get things done...or lately just to take a long nap. Last Friday a few friends and I went to Cuppie's & Joe and I loved being out with friends! All that to say, if anyone ever gets bored on Friday afternoons, wants to have lunch, or just whatever - call me! Now that I'm getting some energy back, I might actually be some fun.


Candice said...

Oooh...I want to get together on Friday afternoon! Oh, wait, I live a zillion miles away:(. Glad you are feeling better!

Mandy said...

I will totally take you up on that!