Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Something's Different...

When we moved into this house, we were pretty excited because there was already existing landscaping!  Our other house, we had to start from scratch and neither one of us have a talent or vision for something like that.  Well, this house definitely has some trees and bushes...they just didn't look that great.

Something about our front entrance has bothered me for 2 years.  I thought it was the hedges...but I think I finally figured out what it is.


So this afternoon I called Justin to see if he would be mad if I took it out.  
He didn't care, so I did.
Before...                                                               After...


 I think it looks so much better.  You aren't attacked by some crazy bush walking up to the door.

Instead you are greeted by something a little more seasonal.

We'll see if this helps me like the front landscape better.  If not, I fear those hedges will just have to go.


Hucks Randomness said...

Love it! and the new look of your page!

Darla said...

It does look better! Well done! Almost didn't recognize the page - I miss that sweet picture but guess it was a little out of date.