Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facebook Parenting

I don't know how parents ever survived being parents before the era of the internet.  I always joked when H was really little how I would like a manual for knowing what to do.  My clever father-in-law told me that the manual was the Good Book (aka Bible), which of course is the ultimate.  But what about things like, when should I stop doing _____ or when should I start doing _____ or how would I go about _____?  Simple questions that I just don't know about since I'm a first time parent, but can now easily ask 100 of my friends and instantly get parenting feedback.  Love it. 

So, thanks Facebook for helping me get through the first + year of Haylie's life.  I had no clue what I was doing and thanks to social networking, I can now get lots of advice (some I listen to and some I completely ignore - but thanks anyway) and not worry about completely screwing up my baby.  I'll try not to abuse my status updates with all my questions.


Tiffany said...

Yes! I totally agree!

Unknown said...

I agree! What would we do without group sourcing? Call our mothers? Psha! :)