Anyway, Justin's lasik and my lasik were two completely different versions. I had mine done about a year ago. When I was preparing, I had my sheet of do's and don'ts, I knew what prescriptions I needed ahead of time, I had all my paperwork filled out, and I even had time before my surgery to go to breakfast with my mom and dad! Simple, organized. Justin on the other hand...goodness!! :) I let him take care of everything (since it's his lasik!) but boy, should I have at least questioned him about it. He forgot to get his prescription filled until after dinner the night before, so we had to run to Wal-greens. They were out so we went to CVS. Then the next morning he kept asking me all these questions : Can I shower, what do I wear, etc. I kept saying, I don't remember - look at your sheet! Well, he never looked at it and it resulted in him putting in hair product then having to go back and wash it out. Then he went to go get his paperwork and it wasn't filled out. So he did that ON the way to the surgery center. We were running late too. It was just one thing after another!!! Lesson learned - be organized FOR your husband.
The day was good and his vision was already 20/20 by the next morning at Dr. Wright's office. Hurrah for Lasik!
-On a separate note, our good friend just found out he has leukemia. He is only 27, and a dad of two. Any prayers you can spare is much appreciated!!!
Ha ha. I enjoyed this story. Your husband, like a lot of ours, needs to be babied! Thank goodness for marriage. God knows we need each other.
That's hilarious. I didn't ask him what was wrong with his eye because I figured a million people had already asked. Good stuff to know though. Thanks for hosting tonight...very enjoyable!
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