Thursday, March 7, 2013

Enjoying the View?

Several weeks ago my hubby got out his wood shark (aka chain saw) and got after our neighbors trees (that are strictly on our side of the fence).  I bet they loved it.  Regardless, he wanted to cut back some of the trees so more sunlight could get to a rather shady part of our yard and we could grow some grass there.

I don't know if anyone else can tell, but everything he left is growing straight up - it looks like this tree has been scared straight.

He might have chopped off a lot of the trees, but hopefully once they start to bloom they won't look so butchered.

And ironically, we have had a huge patch of brush in our yard since the massacre of trees.  I'm not mad about it - just find it ironic...because I'm not sure that's helping the grass get sun. *wink*

And here is just a cool shot of our awesome magnolia tree.  I love this tree so much, it's beautiful all the time.

All kidding aside, my hubby does a lot of yard work to keep our yard looking good.  I'm itching for warmer weather where we can get outside more...and no more sickness!

1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

I'm itching to get outside too!