Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Three P's

Piggyback - Or shoulderback. Whatever.

Playdate - Haylie and I went on our first park playdate with Jennie and Kyndall. Both of the babies were cranky about half way around the park - which is why Haylie looks like she could care less that she got the luxury of being pushed in her comfy stroller on a beautiful day in the park with friends. Brat. Kyndall's sweet smile makes up for Miss Grumpy.

Presents - Haylie is now an official MRCC kid!! I heard rumors about these wonderful gifts and now I know they are true. I was soooo excited when I opened the package and saw these!


Lauren said...

aww so cute!! I love her attitude in all the pictures! :)

Gavan said...

We got our "presents" for Rosson today too!