Monday, July 15, 2013

Who needs baby toes anyway?

So I broke my baby toe on Friday.

It all started with my kids sleeping in...which was wonderful...except I was trying to go to my workout class.  Deciding their happiness was more important that day, I ended up skipping.  I was enjoying a bowl of cereal when my kids got up.  Thinking - I really should put my bowl up so Jace doesn't get this - I still put it down on the coffee table and went to get them.

Fast forward a bit to after their breakfast and they are in the living room playing...Jace finds my bowl of cereal and is getting milk everywhere.  I'm still in the kitchen cleaning up when I hear this so I run into the living room to minimize the milk spillage...and my baby toe collides with the bottom of my couch.

I'm suddenly in a LOT of pain and I look toe is pointing more to the left than it should be.  So I feel it, and push it back in and it pops back in place.  About to pass out, I hobble to my phone to call Justin.  I somehow get it taped up and swallow 800mg of Ibuprofen.  I had some friends coming over within a half hour (thankfully!!) so I wait on the couch while trying to do as little as possible.

One of my friends studied PE in college so she has a background on injuries.  Once she got there and I told her what happened, she told me to go get it x-rayed in case something happened more in my foot.

Later that day once Justin was able to come home and Amy's hubby could come get her kids (thank goodness for half-day Fridays!) we went to the Mercy clinic to get it checked out.

After a few x-rays and some crazy conversation with a wacky dr, I learned I fractured my toe 2-3 places and it's a jagged break, not a clean one.

So today I'm waiting for the podiatrist to call me to set something up. I get to wear a boot for 2 weeks for my toe to heal.  My foot is half bruise.  I get to not do any exercise for 6 weeks (which I'm refusing to wait that long if I can help it.)

It's a baby toe!!  I thought they were pointless and just a nice way to round out your foot.

Anyway, hopefully everything heals up right without getting too crazy...and that I'm not limping around soon enough.  It's been 2 days with the boot and I'm ready to throw it away!


Ryan and Katie said...

You popped itback in place ew ew ew! I hope it heals quick!

Maria said...

Hahaha! Oh Erin....

I worked out extra hard at B&S for you today. Or... maybe I just made it through the class... :) Either way, I'm ready for your toe to heal so we can be miserably uncoordinated together!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

oh no!!!!! That stinks but at least there's no surgery involved!