Wednesday, October 5, 2011

She's Not Even 2.

This is now a familiar sight in our home.

Time out.  Today I hit my limit with letting H push my buttons and making me look like a loser mom who's kid gets away with anything and everything while out in public.  I tell you what - discipline and being consistent takes so much energy!  I am completely drained and I only decided to buckle down at like 2pm.  It sounds like I didn't do any disciplining before.  I did.  I promise.  But I think I let her get away with some stuff that I hoped would stop by just a stern "no" or threat of time out.

Terrible two's have arrived in full force and we haven't even hit that milestone 2nd birthday.  She throws stuff, she screams NO!!, she runs away, she throws fits in aisles at the store, she basically thinks she can do what she wants.

And I think this is bad?  I'm wondering what I'm actually going to do with 2 kids!!  Anyone want to call Supernanny for me in advance??

Or maybe we just won't go out in public.  Ever again.


Maria said...

Send the supernanny to my place when you're done with her. :) Hang in there. I promise you're not the only mom feeling that way. We have great days and we have days that I think Ella will be in timeout more than actually playing. *Sigh*

Michelle said...

Every day I think I'll never make it with 3.....luckily Newkirk has an a day everyday preschool at 4, which is where coop will be starting in the fall. That might allow me to keep my sanity!

Melody said...

I hope Rosson stays away from the terrible 2's for a while! Some days definitely are harder than others! I know it had been a while since I'd posted but we've been so stinkin' busy lately....haven't been at church in a few weeks but we're back tomorrow! How are you feeling?