Monday, October 24, 2011

I think I'm nesting...

Or maybe I want to organize just like Maria Clark.  Either way, I got a bee in my bonnet and I've been trying to get things under control in this house.  Haylie's toys have been out of control and she doesn't even play with half of them.  So, I went to the $1 store today and got a few buckets to organize her different toys.
Half office/half play room

I still want to do something other than an a plain orange sheet for our stealth ironing board storage.  Ideas??

I also got sick of our junky garage so I put up a few shelves laying around and organized by Haylie's upcoming clothes, garage sale stuff, house stuff to get rid of, house stuff to keep, etc.

And because I am lately in love with ambient lighting, I put a lamp out on my table and LOVE IT.  My "runner" is also a piece of curtain I cut off and need to hem the edges...but until I do that, it's going to stay frayed. That's how I roll.


Melody said...

You could put some fun fabric on the ironing board spot!

Darla said...

Chalk board!

Maria said...

I'm flattered! :) I love your space!! You could use that as a place to put Haylie's artwork? Use some velcro (or those 3M strips) to attach empty frames, then tack her artwork inside. I love rotating artwork at our house!

Kathryn said...

Looks great! The organizing gene is a blessing and a curse, at least in our house. I go on rampages where I toss stuff out only to remember too late why I was keeping it around. Oops! What does Haylie think of the organizers? Does she love dumping them out?

Unknown said...

Oh! We're organizing our garage this weekend. I love the idea of having a garage sale section. I never know where to keep that pile!