Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars 2014

I normally never sit down to watch the entire length of these award shows.  But I guess once you get sucked in, well, you get sucked in.  Plus, with our entire city shut down again due to frigid temps and bad weather, what else was I going to do?

So here are my thoughts that I know you are all just DYING to read about the Oscars 2014.

I love Ellen DeGeneres' humor.  Making fun of Jared Leto's hair, laughing at Jennifer Lawrence falling again (I love that she just blows it off.) Ordering pizza and seriously having it delivered.  Breaking Twitter with the most retweets ever of her selfie pic with tons of amazing stars.  The hubby and I literally laughed out loud at several of her jokes - when I normally sit stone faced while watching whoever it is try to make us laugh.  Best host ever.

Cate Blanchett's acceptance speech.  "hashtag suck it Julia!"  Thankfully Julia Roberts was laughing hysterically at this so I'm hopeful that was an inside joke...that literally no one else got.

Let It Go.  Apparently this was a huge ordeal for this song.  I have yet to see Frozen, the movie, and I thought the song was...nice...but not quite living up to it's fame.  I guess I'll need to borrow my sister's soundtrack so I can hear the edited version.  And one day, I'll probably see the movie too and it will make me fall in love with it.

The acceptance speech for Let It Go was pretty awesome.  Loved how they did it together, with the rhyming names, and dedicating the song to their sweet girls.  To which my husband said, "are they married?"  Well, I hope so!

Best dressed. I thought Jada Pinkett Smith, Anna Kendrick and Kerry Washington had great taste!

The lesson I learn every year about the Oscars is that there are 9 movies that I have yet to see and it helps me figure out which ones I should actually waste my time on.  I swore I would never see Gravity but for Pete's sake!  How many awards did it get?

Alright, I'm off my Oscar soapbox now.  It was a fun show and I'm glad I watched.

What did you think??


Chellie said...

About frozen -- at our house you have to first watch this clip...
And then the song -- I guess it has an ad on it now -- that's new.. anyway here is the link

Unknown said...

I loved Frozen when I first saw it, but Let It Go didn't stand out to me much. It wasn't my favorite song. Then everyone and their uncle kept saying how much they loved that song and loved belting it out. It's a good one to belt and all, and we have the soundtrack...and I still think it's a perfectly fine song, but not my favorite from the movie. Shrug. Oh well.