Sunday, February 23, 2014

Technology Overload

Today I'm on the blog talking about something that I know too much about: technology.  As my father in law makes fun of me for hearing my phone whistle every 5 minutes, it's true that I, and my whole family, need to take a technology detox!

But is that even possible?  With everything revolving around it so much?  People don't carry planners to make sure they stay organized, I rarely see a physical Bible at church anymore and most people don't call anymore - the main way to communicate is to text.  People depend on their phones.  "There's an App for that!"

Let me know how you deal with your technology overload.  Because I'm looking for ways to simplify and reduce my dependency on devices!


Wa Wa Waughs said...

Try leaving your phone at home for an hour or so when you go to exercise or run an errand. You will see it doesn't hurt too much! You might find yourself more focused on the task at hand.

Hucks Randomness said...

Let me know if you find something that works well!! I can't take much more - I've started turning my phone off or on silent around 6:30pm. Since work isn't paying for my phone, I also turn email off when I shut the laptop off at the end of the day. I've also started turning my phone on silent during the weekends. I check it but if Doug and I (or friends), I keep the phone on silent, in my purse and just enjoy who I'm with. I'm trying to make myself not touch the phone or take a laptop to bed with me because I'll sit there reading stuff until 12am.....not good!!! But I'm not there yet :) I'm just over everyone expecting me to respond in 10 min if they call, text or email. Ahhhh!!!! Call my house and leave a message on the machine, please : )