Friday, November 8, 2013

Behind the Scenes::OKCMB

Starting Oklahoma City Moms Blog has seriously been so much fun.  We have been super blessed by a great team of contributors, businesses that are interested in us, and a support team from City Moms Blog who are there every step of the way!

One of the steps in setting up our site (Oklahoma City Moms Blog) is to get some photos for our "About Us" page. We were super lucky to have Mandy Stansberry Photography take some for us!

Maria & I - co-founders!

Our beautiful, smart, and creative team of contributors.

Honestly, trying to get all this up and running has taken a lot of our time.  I'd love to tell you that for weeks straight I wasn't on the computer every free second I had, but that would be a total lie.  We are constantly replying to emails, coming up with new graphics (PicMonkey is our NEW best friend), finding fun giveaways, planning a launch party, organizing ourselves, organizing our contributors, writing posts, pages for the site, and learning how to navigate WordPress.  It's been a lot and we have learned a TON!!

I know, I for one, couldn't have done this without Maria.  If I had to text/message/call/email someone 20+ times a day,  it would be to her!  I really don't know how anyone does this by themselves!

What people don't know is that you can start your own sister site in your own city.  If you'd like more information, just message me!  I'll get you the hook up.  (But sorry, Oklahoma City is already taken, ha!)

Happy reading! :)


Michelle said...

I think my Dad has a Wordpress group at OC once a week if you every wanted to learn more about it, although I'm not sure that he still does that. But if you ever need help he's pretty much a wordpress genius....

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Looks like fun! I'm just 20 years too old!