Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A New Routine

Haylie goes to bed at 8 pm.  She then thinks its fun to play for at least another hour.
I don't mind as long as she is in her bed...but every night we hear some thumps on the wall and we know someone is not where she is supposed to be...

 As soon as we open the door, she just bursts into tears.  She knows she is caught - red-handed!

And this is what she's been up to.  Every single book from above shelf (it's normally full) is on her bed.  She has been busy transporting!

Not even room for her to lay down.  Last night we caught her with all her necklaces on as well!  She is sneaky, sneaky.

I think it's hilarious...for the time being anyway.  We might have to strip her room bare just so she'll go to sleep!

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