One day I will post more pictures of our house, but until we get it to a place where it's not a construction zone, you will just get bits and pieces. Oh, and Haylie's round face.

We took off some pretty rockin' wallpaper to find un-textured walls. Every other wall & ceiling in the house has the same knock-down texture so we had to match it. So therefore, the Hopper from Home Depot comes to our rescue. You pour mud in a big funnel attached to an air compressor. What do you get? Shooting mud that sounds like an old woman with the walking farts.

It was a huge mess and it took my mom and I all day on Monday to clean it up! So thankful for her help - it would have taken me all week by myself.

Hopefully this week we will be able to paint and finally get the feeling of being completely settled! I'm just having a hard time picking colors. I'm probably going to go very neutral but part of me wants to get crazy and bring in the vibrant colors. What to do?
How come it has to be an old woman??? Don't old men do that too?
I say go vibrant!
I just read in the Readers Digest you should pick your colors last. Place your furniture, etc, then pick your colors. A pain to move everything twice or color with plastic but it ensures a match!
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