Happy New Year!! I am so excited about what 2014 could bring. The excitement of the fresh start, the goals that are set and just not knowing what's going to happen. Although I don't like to make goals for myself, since I tend to never follow through, I wanted to make some goals for myself and my kids to see if we can make it happen.
Me -
1. Be more active. I'm not going to say "lose weight" or anything cliche like people tend to do. While I did have my husband move our treadmill in our bedroom in hopes of motivating me, I want to simply be more active and healthy. Maybe run a few more 5Ks, but to overall stay in my size of clothing or go down one.
2. Work hard on OKC Moms Blog! We just started out in November so we are just beginning. Hopefully 2014 brings lots of fun events and plans our way.
3. Pray more. Enough said.
4. Branch out. There are lots of places I'm learning about through OKCMB and I want to go experience them. Instead of sticking within my 4 mile radius, I want to explore (with my kids) and do more fun things on a day to day basis.
Haylie -
1. Work on that haircut. Hair takes time, yes. But I'm ready for it not to be at the Dora the Explorer stage. The bangs are apparently staying around for awhile, but hopefully the other parts that were in a mullet cut will grow super fast.
2. Start Pre-K! This isn't a goal as it is more of a reality, but my little girl is growing up and I am excited for her to try new things!
3. Ride a bike with no training wheels. This girlie LOVES to ride her bike...the one she has now she calls a "wobbly bike" with her training wheels, so we will work on that come spring.
4. Read more. She is getting really good with Stage 1 books, so we want to encourage harder stuff!
Jace -
1. This is a doozy - get rid of the paci!!! He is rarely without one these days and loves to shove his thumbs in them. This might be a difficult stage but it needs to happen (hey, I didn't say soon, we have a whole year!)
2. Also when the time is right, transition to a toddler bed. I'm not trying to rush this considering what happened last time we tried...so if he seems ready, this might be a good year.
3. Turn 2! This is also a reality instead of a goal, but one I am really looking forward to.
I like your goals. I usually make a couple at the beginning of the new year too, but mostly at the start of the new school year- all the things I hope to get done while the kids are in school - LOL - should be interesting this year since my baby graduates high school this spring!!!
Good to be thinking about how the kids should be maturing, too!
She read something in B's book Sunday and I was so impressed! B doesn't even know how to begin reading so I applaud you on that.
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