Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Months are Flying By!

My baby is 8 months old. Trying to take a picture of her is next to impossible - she is so into everything. If you put anything in her eyesight, she must grab and/or chew on it.
My mom discovered her first tooth has broken through - hallelujah! She is kind of grumpy when her gums hurt so I will be happy when this phase is over...although I've heard it won't be for awhile...
She is rolling all over the place and is very happy to just play on the floor with her toys. She is a really good eater and we probably should be giving her more solids but it's just easier to nurse her. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to washing dishes anyway.
She has adjusted really well to her new home but isn't very helpful in the renovations. She needs to earn her keep!
I really do enjoy spending time with her. She is at such a fun age right now!!


Brei said...

I enjoy your honesty about feeding her. Ha!

Candice said...

Cute pics! She is such a cutie! Teething still hasn't stopped here. Two more until the 2 year molars are through! Cole is ahead on teeth, too! He got his first one at less than 6 months!