Friday, May 21, 2010

Give Me a Solution, Please!

I am tired. Justin is tired. You just wouldn't think that this face would cause so much of an issue.

But she is. Are we enabling her to do it? Maybe.

Every night she goes to bed at 8. Sometimes she has the paci, sometimes she doesn't. About 2 hours after she goes to sleep, for some reason she wakes up. Sometimes its screaming, sometimes its just to "talk." So one of us goes in there and gives her the paci because we know its a simple solution to put her back to sleep ASAP. Well, this continues throughout the night. Either she has the paci and it eventually falls out and then it gets caught under her chin and that wakes her up...or she just randomly wakes up. I just don't know what to do. Is she hot? Is she cold? Is she teething/hurting? Do I need to stay up an extra 20 minutes each time to catch the paci when it does eventually fall out? We keep saying that we are going to let her cry it out to break her of this habit, but it's so hard to do & listen to! We need to figure something out because neither one of us ever gets a good nights sleep. And we get cranky, people.

*I know that the simple solution would be to just take the paci away...but we all know it's never really that simple.*


Kayla said...

well its been a while so I may not remember but I don't think mine woke up too much. I remember the newborn stage I would swaddle just under the nose so it held the paci in their mouth! I also remember when they would roll over to the tummy and wake themselves up but would get stuck unable to roll back over to sleep. I tied a thin sheet like blanket from one end of the crib to the other right over the hips and legs real tight so they couldn't roll over to the tummy! haha It worked! But once they passed that stage, I don't remember sleep issues. I remember taking away the paci the first night from Avery and Zane...they cried for like 10 mins or so but once they were asleep they stayed asleep and never asked for the paci again! Sleep probablems for us came at age 3!!! Sorry :(

Chellie said...

We reached a point where we had to let Brixton just cry it was hard, but we felt like we had tried everything else (nursing, pacifier, bouncing, diaper change...) I would still go look in on him just to make sure he wasn't having a problem (one time his foot was stuck). Now he sleeps good most nights, if he's waking up I usually think it's something else (teething, earache, something). I had also stopped swaddling him for a while and found he sleeps better swaddled. I think every baby is different though. Hope you get some sleep soon

Tarren and Erin said...

I recommend the Sleep Lady's book. It is a form of crying it out but you are there with the baby instead of just leaving the room. I would think that in the long run it would be easier to take the paci away before trying anything. We had some hard nights with Liesel and lots waking up and some crying but she eventually learned to put herself back to sleep and right now sleeps through most nights.

Kristen said...

We went through the same thing for MUCH longer... both of our girls are still paci lovers and we would go in and out all night giving them back to them. What worked for us was to give them an extra pacifier or two... or three :) taking them away wasn't an option b/c I was still too desperate for sleep! We also by the encouragement of other wiser more experienced mom's took the monitor out of our room and let them cry :( that's not to say we didn't give in a few times and go scoop them up- but eventually it was SO much better for them and for us! I hope you guys find what works for y'all soon! sorry this is so long!

Jessica said...

I used a combination of the no cry sleep solution book and the sleep lady book. Let her keep her paci- that way she can soothe herself, it will definitly come in handy once she's able to get it herself! I know being tired sucks- Connor didn't ever sleep through the night until he was 13 months old! Just remember she WILL eventually sleep through the night!!