I feel like there is a lot to blog about, but I'm too lazy to divide them up into separate posts (plus, that might be just ridiculous.) So let's just do this.
Last Saturday, one of the
Bible Study babies and Haylie's good friend Brixton had his 2 year old birthday party! It was a perfect day and a good time! His mom Chellie made our
cupcakes, but check out this piece of awesome-ness she made for him. She should start a bakery.
She wanted to play in the sand, but yet, didn't want to play IN it. |
3 of the 4 bible study babies!! |
After the party, we raced home to get ready to go to Justin's co-worker's wedding at the Chesapeake Boathouse. The bride was so pretty, but weddings just aren't as much fun when you both don't know them.
They had a chocolate/candy table where we immediately ruined Haylie's dinner and gave her chocolate which was promptly smeared all over her mouth and white dress.
Then, because you can't get away from Halloween posts quite yet, Haylie went trick or treating with Mickey and Minnie and thus added greatly to our already overflowing candy bowl!
Because you were all wondering what I decided to do with
my board, I found a few frames at the local Goodwill and made a place where I can put Haylie's artwork she makes at Sonshine School! (Thanks, Maria for the idea!)
Lastly, we got Haylie's school picture back this week. I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!! EXCEPT - I hate the background. Who picked this out and what were they thinking?? I know her outfit isn't exactly "fallish" but I didn't know we were going to be photographed with a background from 1992.
This weekend we are finishing lots of projects. I'm so hopeful that my next post will be highlighting our new master bathroom!