Friday, October 29, 2010

This Does My Heart Good

From youngin' to high school, I have gone to Camp Manatawny almost every summer. This church camp helped shape who I am today. I loved going to help out in the kitchen or be a camper two weeks in a row. I went as many times as I was asked or my parents would pay for! I tear up thinking that I'll probably never get to go back since it's so far away in my homestate of Pennsylvania, but a little piece of Heaven was sent to me through email today...and it does my heart so so good. (Thanks Dad!)
The gazebo. So much time spent hanging out with friends & writing notes to put on their clothespins!
The girls cabins. My heart forever goes to Girls Cabin 4!

The boy was always off limits even though we had to walk right past them to Garrett Hall!
Other memories in random order as camper & worker:
  • Baptisms in the pool
  • Praise time before dinner
  • Talent Shows
  • Campfires (Little Red Wagon & going hoarse screaming it at the end!)
  • Cleaning dishes after each meal
  • Gazebo time
  • Pranks!!!
  • CANTEEN! Sprees, Combos & Dr. Pepper. Always.
  • Boys, boys, boys... :)

"Camp Manatawny is great!!"


Anonymous said...

I just cried reading that. I miss those summers, the boys, the simplest of times. Some of the best times there! - Carrie

Kayla said...

Oh church camp, how I miss thee.