I feel like I haven't blogged about my cute baby girl in awhile so here are a bunch of random pictures from the last few weeks. Haylie has started to get a really cheerful personality where she smiles a LOT! Which I love! It's easier to catch it on camera :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I Know You've Missed Her
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
On the Market
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Square footage: 1503
Corner Lot
Edmond Schools, OKC Utilities
Tiled entry
New Carpet
Remodeled Kitchen
Remodeled Baths
Fresh paint
2” Blinds
2 Car Garage
New roof in 2005
Square footage: 1503
Corner Lot
Edmond Schools, OKC Utilities
Tiled entry
New Carpet
Remodeled Kitchen
Remodeled Baths
Fresh paint
2” Blinds
2 Car Garage
New roof in 2005
If you know someone who is looking for a house like this, please let me know and we can get them more information!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Garage Sale Recap
The marathon wasn't the only huge activity this past weekend. We also had our annual GARAGE SALE!!! This was such a fun thing for me because I get to organize everyone and their stuff! I loved that on Friday I had so many visitors to come by to drop of their stuff and that on Saturday I had a whole day of friends over. It was a huge success and we got rid of a TON of stuff. I love that this is a yearly event. It's something I really look forward to every year.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Run to Remember
I have no pictures from today, yet I have plenty of memories. Justin and I both participated in the OKC Marathon - he did the half; I participated in the relay. Justin did VERY well, coming in 109th out of 430 people in his division with a time of 1:54!! He didn't really train, yet he can just go out there and bust out a great time for 13.1 miles. Amazing.
Now for my part. Ha. So, I joined a relay team with people I knew only by their relatives who are good friends of mine. I had no idea what my teammates looked like - just their names and a vague memory of their picture from the early 90's. Luckily we all had on matching bright green t-shirts. Best idea ever.
I was panicking the whole morning that I wouldn't make my shuttle on time and my teammate would be wandering around trying to find me. But, I made it in time, with even a few minutes to spare. I got super excited when they called my number over the loud speaker - my new friend from the bus and I both bugged out our eyes and said - that's me! It was time to start my journey!
When we were exchanging the ankle timer, I wanted to say, "Nice to meet you, how are you" and have a chat about his leg of the relay. But...I didn't think that was probably the best time to do that. So off I went on what seemed to be the longest run of my life.
And it was. Granted, it was only a 5K but I have never run that before. I have maxed out at 2 miles...and that was with pushing a stroller and definitely not timed. My adrenaline pooped out on me about 10 minutes into the run and I walked a bit more than I wanted to. People were swarming past me and I felt a little deflated, but I knew I was going to do my part no matter what. I then saw a sign from a spectator that said "We run to remember." It hit home and helped my adrenaline perk back up.
My personal time was 43 minutes but my team overall rocked it and came in 46th out of 288 in our division. I don't think it hit me until I was on the stinky bus on the way back to downtown that I had just participated in something amazing. Already I want to make plans for next year - whether it be part of a relay team or just doing the 5k downtown or even just running around to different parts of the race to watch people go by - I want to be a part of it!
I had so much fun today - from waking up at 5 am, battling traffic & masses of people, attending the pancake breakfast with friends, making new friends on the bus, running the most tiring run of my life so far, getting a medal and having my hubby tell me how proud he was of me - it was all SOO worth it and definitely a Run to Remember.
Now for my part. Ha. So, I joined a relay team with people I knew only by their relatives who are good friends of mine. I had no idea what my teammates looked like - just their names and a vague memory of their picture from the early 90's. Luckily we all had on matching bright green t-shirts. Best idea ever.
I was panicking the whole morning that I wouldn't make my shuttle on time and my teammate would be wandering around trying to find me. But, I made it in time, with even a few minutes to spare. I got super excited when they called my number over the loud speaker - my new friend from the bus and I both bugged out our eyes and said - that's me! It was time to start my journey!
When we were exchanging the ankle timer, I wanted to say, "Nice to meet you, how are you" and have a chat about his leg of the relay. But...I didn't think that was probably the best time to do that. So off I went on what seemed to be the longest run of my life.
And it was. Granted, it was only a 5K but I have never run that before. I have maxed out at 2 miles...and that was with pushing a stroller and definitely not timed. My adrenaline pooped out on me about 10 minutes into the run and I walked a bit more than I wanted to. People were swarming past me and I felt a little deflated, but I knew I was going to do my part no matter what. I then saw a sign from a spectator that said "We run to remember." It hit home and helped my adrenaline perk back up.
My personal time was 43 minutes but my team overall rocked it and came in 46th out of 288 in our division. I don't think it hit me until I was on the stinky bus on the way back to downtown that I had just participated in something amazing. Already I want to make plans for next year - whether it be part of a relay team or just doing the 5k downtown or even just running around to different parts of the race to watch people go by - I want to be a part of it!
I had so much fun today - from waking up at 5 am, battling traffic & masses of people, attending the pancake breakfast with friends, making new friends on the bus, running the most tiring run of my life so far, getting a medal and having my hubby tell me how proud he was of me - it was all SOO worth it and definitely a Run to Remember.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Rise Together
I have never been so proud.
Last night the THUNDER BEAT L.A.!!!!
Granted, I have been living under a rock when it comes to the Thunder's stats and scores. I had no idea they even made the playoffs. I had no idea that when Justin said we had Thunder tickets for Thursday night that I would be attending a historical night in the city of OKC. I had no idea I was even going to get a rockin' free t-shirt. But that's okay. Because I'm still jumping on the bandwagon acting like I knew it all along.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Three P's
Piggyback - Or shoulderback. Whatever.

Playdate - Haylie and I went on our first park playdate with Jennie and Kyndall. Both of the babies were cranky about half way around the park - which is why Haylie looks like she could care less that she got the luxury of being pushed in her comfy stroller on a beautiful day in the park with friends. Brat. Kyndall's sweet smile makes up for Miss Grumpy.
Monday, April 19, 2010
It's That Time Of Year!
Today is the first day of GARAGE SALE WEEK!!! I am super pumped about this coming weekend and the sale. Normally I would be spending many hours at work printing off labels, signs, instruction sheets, etc...but this year I do not have that luxury. I will, however, be spending my time in between feedings and playtime doing those things. They just won't be as "professional" this year. I feel like there is so much to do yet here I am blogging. I just spent 20 minutes in the "cry cave" aka Haylie's room so I deserve a little break, yes?
Another milestone this weekend will be my first attempt of a relay in the OKC Marathon. Haylie and I went for a run this morning and did a successful 2 mile jog/run (but mostly jog)! I was so happy! I probably could have kept going but since I felt like there was much to be done today, we stopped. And yet here I am blogging. Oh wait, I already covered that.
I hope everyone has a blessed week - come out on Saturday just to say hey if you are in the neighborhood. You never know - we might have some can't-live-without "treasures"!
Another milestone this weekend will be my first attempt of a relay in the OKC Marathon. Haylie and I went for a run this morning and did a successful 2 mile jog/run (but mostly jog)! I was so happy! I probably could have kept going but since I felt like there was much to be done today, we stopped. And yet here I am blogging. Oh wait, I already covered that.
I hope everyone has a blessed week - come out on Saturday just to say hey if you are in the neighborhood. You never know - we might have some can't-live-without "treasures"!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Busy with Life
I had a whole blog written out saying what we have been up to lately which is why I have been ignoring my blog. But I started to read it and got bored so I thought I would try again.
Marriage Retreat
Training for Relay in OKC Marathon
Possibly Selling Our House
Looking at New Houses
Projects for Upcoming Babies
Looking for My Lost Car Keys
Visiting with Friends
On another note, Haylie loves her exersaucer and on a daily basis makes me laugh when she is in it. She loves to play, stop, blow out her diaper, and continue to play. I caught this angle this morning and it makes me laugh - my baby girl has a 'stache.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Finally Finished
(sorry my zoom isn't the same but you get the idea)
Ahh. My kitchen is finally beautiful. The last step - backsplash - is done! The kitchen had an okay look about it before but now I just love to be in there (which helps since I'm trying to cook dinners M-F). But, with all of our projects, it definitely took longer than expected and cost more too. Boo. It didn't help that we had to have the countertop guys come back out to fix a mistake or that our refrigerator started to poop out so we had to get a new one. It's amazing how quickly things you need for a project add up. But! This is the last project I had on my indoor list (only took 4 years to complete them all)...now on to the outside!! We'll see if Justin is up for that :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
She Just Keeps Growing!
Our little baby girl is 4 months old! Some days I feel like time has just flown by; other days I really feel that we've had her forever and that she is only 4 months old. Regardless, I love my baby girl so so so much and can not imagine my life without her.

The "measuring" photo...although I'm not sure I can tell much of a difference from here, here or here. Alright, maybe I can.
Playing the part of a biblical character or just swaddle gone wild?
Tummy time with Mr. Elephant. Not sure who won the staring contest.
Happy it's spring time!!
The "measuring" photo...although I'm not sure I can tell much of a difference from here, here or here. Alright, maybe I can.
This is my first video to try to upload. We'll see how it works. Haylie is a very vocal child and loves to talk like Chewbacca and grab her toes. This is just how she plays by herself!
Other things for me to remember about Haylie:
-Hasn't rolled over yet but we are pretty close!
-Loves to have her clothes taken off and put back on.
-Absolutely LOVES bathtime with daddy.
-Has giggled a few times although it's at pretty random times. When we try to make her laugh, she just gives us a stone cold look.
-Naptime is still a struggle. Haylie cries and throws fits so we are trying to figure out an easier way of life for this time of day.
-Starting to enjoy her exersaucer and toys a lot more. She is getting more interactive!
-She weighs 14.6 lbs and is 25 inches long! Both in the higher percentile!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter 2010
We didn't do much for Easter this year for Haylie - it was mostly about keeping her happy between eating and naptimes. We didn't go all out with a basket of goodies and she was in the middle of naptime when we {and by we I mean cousin Eli} hunted eggs. But by golly, we got some pictures of her in her adorable dress! Next year we will be more festive.

Happy Easter from the Cornells!
Miss Chunk Chunk in her polka dots

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