Monday, March 1, 2010

0-3. Check.

3 months old today! She has become such a big girl and I love hanging out with her. She still literally impresses everyone she's around when she gets mad. I think it makes them very nervous but I promise - she just has really great lungs and she's not going to explode.

I had some major organization to do in her room today so she and her bears hung out with me while I cleaned. She was "talking" when I took this so she was very happy to be snuggled with her friends.
This picture is my absolute favorite. I was taking it last night and after the flash went off, she has this very concerned expression on her face. Well, it made me laugh really hard but my laugh was too loud and it scared her so then she immediately stuck out her bottom lip and started to cry. Too cute.
Haylie has also started sitting in her high chair when we eat! It makes a little more sense than the bumbo on the table.
I don't have any stats on her from this last month because basically I'm too lazy to get them. But she is sleeping through the night, eating about 6 times a day, is really starting to look at things and will crank her neck around like Mr. Owl to watch TV if it is on. She talks a lot and the smiles are coming on a more frequent basis.
After 3 months of being a new parent, I definitely don't have anything figured out. But she is either an easy baby or I'm just more at ease with my mothering skills. Ahh, finally.


Kayla said...

I loved 3-6 months! Sleeping more, more alert, didn't crawl all over yet. Perfect!

Candice said...

I also liked 3-6 months. 19 months is my fav so far! They just keep getting better:). She's a little doll! We are coming over next time to see her when we are in OKC!

Ryan and Katie said...

You've made it to the fun stage hooray! And I agree she does have an impressive set of lungs!