Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Common Sense No More

I am losing my common sense. I don't know if it's a "pregnancy" thing or just a "me" thing, but it's gone.

Yesterday, I went to my parents house to feed the cat and get their mail and for some reason, I locked my keys in my car. Now, I have this key hidden somewhere in my purse that helps me out of such situations like that...but my purse was in my car. Luckily, Justin was able to come unlock my car and I got to enjoy a few moments of HGtv...but, not one of my finest moves.

The other day, I actually got out a calculator to divide 1000 by 200. Yep, got the same answer I should have in middle school. 5.

So either this baby is going to be really smart because it has taken what brains I do have...or we are both going to have to work realllly hard at learning not to be a dork.


Kayla said...

At least you two will be cute dorks!

Katie B said...

I know I say this all the time, but you are FUNNY!!!!