Monday, December 15, 2008

Work Awkwardness

This is for Krystal :)

This past weekend we went to TWO Chesapeake work parties for Justin. Justin is currently on one team but will be moving teams in January, so therefore, we had to go celebrate with each one. It's kind of weird though because some of the same people were at each party (why have two??? Oh yes, to torture the spouses). Anyway, the first one was on Saturday night and it was the team that he will be on...that's code for neither one of us knew anyone. So, we awkwardly go and stand around for about 2 hours. I am way past my good attitude for the evening about 30 minutes after we get there. The entertainment was watching the Heisman trophy winner (yay Sam Bradford!) and a digital short by Justin's new boss that he made on JibJab. The movie was kind of funny, but only if you knew the people in it. I guess I'm being a jerk about it, but I have a hard time with these parties that I know no one at!! I hate feeling awkward.

The second one on Sunday night was with the group of people Justin works with now. This one was a lot better because we actually knew people! It was nice to see the ones I met last year and to not feel like a total loser. The bad news is that he won't be on that team in about oh, 2 weeks, so I doubt we'll be Christmas-ing with the familiar group next year.

Here is an awkward work question for you: what do you do when you walk into a co-workers office that has just passed some awful smelling gas? This happened to me today and luckily I got to leave as quickly as I came it rude to just leave with no reason at all? Or do you have to act like you don't even smell anything when it's obviously about to make you pass out?


Unknown said...

Sure, rub it in my face! ;)

Chellie said...

New question.. what do you do at church when you walk through the cloud of gas someone passed.. answer.. you watch waiting for your friends to pass through just to see their reaction then you laugh together as you make it through what seems like a never ending cloud.. just hoping the person responsible isn't anywhere nearby. At least that's what we did Sunday night.