Thursday, November 6, 2008


My sister is going to love me for posting these (or actually, my mom will for the first one) but they are some of my favorites.

Always wanting to be like my sister!
We did it up for Halloween. That's our life size ghost behind us.

I love permed bangs. Can't you tell?!

After my last depressing post I figured I needed something more light. These are a few pics I have scanned in that I love.
In other news, we made it back safely from the funeral on Wednesday, but it was a bit of a crazy trip. Between the "alien" wind farm, "six sags", "founding farters" and the wonderful hail storm on the way back, we made it down to Abilene and back home safe and sound - all in 24 hours, it was a whirlwind of a trip. The funeral was very nice and we appreciate all the prayers offered on my family's behalf.


Ryan and Katie said...

glad you made it back safely! Love the perms!

Brei said...

looking hot!