I'm not sure where the idea came from to make our own laundry soap, but I have been thinking about it for the last few weeks. I've heard that it makes a ton, you use way less and is better for your clothes. Since I haven't figured out a good soap:laundry ratio, I decided to give it a go. My friend Maria sent this site to me and off I went to gather my ingredients.
At our local Wal-mart, they so sweetly had all the ingredients together in the laundry aisle. I appreciated this very much. They had a different laundry bar soap, but I was searching for the pink Zote bar. Apparently, this is located somewhere else in the aisle and I had a hard time finding it.
The site acted like grating the soap would be a huge drag, but it honestly took me maybe 20 minutes for both bars. It took a little bit of time, but went faster than I thought.

Then I poured the rest of the ingredients into a 5 gallon bucket...
And instead of layering like she suggested, I just threw it all in and used my hands to really mix it up. My hands smell so clean now! I loved putting the Purex Crystals in the mix since they smell SOOO good, but the color makes me think of cat liter. Glad it's not the same.
I am so excited about this. I put some in an old OxyClean bucket and can use the little scoop too for the perfect amount suggested. The rest I'll just keep in the 5 gallon bucket that will hopefully last me for a looonnnngggg time.
We'll see how this goes. I'm nervous we won't like it and I'll have so much extra, but if it doesn't work out, I know a few people who won't mind taking it off my hands!