Friday night was my surprise party for my 30th birthday. I wish I could say it was a total surprise, but some of the details weren't communicated to some of my friends and one might have let the info slip. Either way, I kept it a secret from Justin that I knew because he was working SO HARD on making it a special night for me. Besides, I didn't know what we were doing, only that it was on the 15th instead of the 21st like he wanted me to believe.
So my friend Maria and I went to Target to browse Valentine clearance before heading downtown. Supposedly it was going to be the two of us, but we both knew I knew, so we just enjoyed the ride to the party. I didn't know where we were headed, but was so excited to find out we were going to
In the Raw Sushi. If I hasn't known then, this would have given it away since Maria doesn't like sushi...weird-o.

My big entrance. I was supposed to be surprised, but I couldn't keep the facade going. It was still fun to walk in and see my friends!
They all willingly got a babysitter and gave up a night for me! It was great. While we waited for our food, Justin put together some cards with "Erin Trivia" on them. Stuff like what did I do when my childhood boyfriend made me mad (threw his keys in our backyard - couldn't find them for a few days...eek) or since I could become a crazy cat lady at any moment, how many cats have I owned and what were/are their names? (5 - Muffin, Friskey, Joey, Kobe, Caramel). My favorite though is what did my BFF from childhood and I used to do in public bathrooms? Clean them, of course. Yes...we were crazy and gross. We would sing the whole time though. So much fun.

It's 30...not 80 like it looks!
Take 1... |
Take 2. Better. |
After dinner, we went to
Red Pin Bowling where the girls had a fun time talking and the guys had an even better time seeing how fast they could get the bowling balls down the lane. They almost broke the back of the lanes a couple of times, but they were proud of their 30.1 mph throws.

I love these two pictures. This is the best of us all...we are all so beautiful. :)
Then this one Justin took like 15 shots of us and we are laughing at him being silly. True candid...except Amy looks like she tooted and was caught in the act.
I had such a wonderful time and nights like this make me feel like I'm about to turn 20 instead of 30. It was only yesterday that I was in high school, going to Camp Manatawny, hanging out with my best buds and working part time at Happy Harry's. Lots has certainly happened in all my 30 years, but I wouldn't change any of it because I am where I am today because of everything that happened and everyone that influenced my life along the way.
I am truly blessed. Thank you Justin for such a wonderful, perfect evening to celebrate my birthday. You blew me away with all you did for me. Love you.