Friday, October 30, 2009
Who Does She Look Like?
Today we went to get a 3D/4D ultrasound at Miracle Within in Edmond. It's owned by Tim & Krystal LaValley who go to MRCC! It was a really cool experience and we got to see some sneak peak's of our baby girl. (It really IS a girl!!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Maternity Pictures
Last Saturday, we had Mandy take some maternity pictures. Mostly of me & the belly, but I wanted Justin to be in some of them too. She had us meet her at Myriad Gardens and it was a beautiful day!! I just got the pictures back tonight and I just can not believe how many I REALLY like!! She did a wonderful job!!

During one of the photos though, there was a little incident with bird poop. We were posing oh so lovely and plop, plop, that dang bird got both Justin and I!! Luckily it was brown and kind of blended in with our hair.
But we continued on like troopers that we are and here are some of our faves!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time is Running Out!
My co-worker thought it would be funny to point out something...I only have about 4 weekends left until my little bundle is supposed to arrive. Does that shock anyone else but me? I have really enjoyed being pregnant but lately, well, she's been a little pill. Heartburn attacks me pretty regularly, as well as a aching back, aching stomach, my belly button feeling like it's being stretched like a cow hide, I could go on. But the truth is, I am just still really excited. We are getting a 3D/4D ultrasound this Friday and I can not wait to get a glimpse. We got maternity pictures taken last Saturday and I can not wait to see the pictures. We have a few baby showers coming up and I can not wait to see everyone! But most of all, I just can not wait until I get to hold my new little baby. Heartburn, backaches, what? It will so all be worth it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I need to...
1. Call friends more often. It's amazing how much of a better conversation you have when you actually talk, versus text.
2. Always keep tea lights handy. They are great to add to little gifts.
3. Drink more water. It always makes me feel better.
4. Comment more on people's blogs. I enjoy their thoughts and stories and they should know!
5. Watch a Friends episode at least once a week. It's amazing how each episode can relate to pretty much any life situation.
2. Always keep tea lights handy. They are great to add to little gifts.
3. Drink more water. It always makes me feel better.
4. Comment more on people's blogs. I enjoy their thoughts and stories and they should know!
5. Watch a Friends episode at least once a week. It's amazing how each episode can relate to pretty much any life situation.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Contradictory Thoughts
There were two accidents that I was stuck in traffic for today - one to work and one from. My first thought is always - people, please be more responsible so we don't cause traffic delays in rush hour traffic. This was right before I cut off a guy trying to merge out of the "accident lane" and almost got hit.
Today at work I realized that if you can take 5 minutes out of your day to be helpful to someone who might be in a bind, it will make their day a little bit easier. This was a few hours after I was having a conversation with a co-worker and was thinking to myself, "I want to punch you in the face."
Today at work I realized that if you can take 5 minutes out of your day to be helpful to someone who might be in a bind, it will make their day a little bit easier. This was a few hours after I was having a conversation with a co-worker and was thinking to myself, "I want to punch you in the face."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Awkward Pants

These pants go so low with their material section. I wasn' sure if I had a shirt long enough for it!

Justin and Caramel having way too much fun with these. They are just jealous they can't wear them all day.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bring It
So what's all this crazy talk about Erin having a kid? Is my wife preggo? Hold the phone, who authorized that? I'm pretty sure it wasn't me (just kidding). After seeing the way some kids act in Wal-Mart, I am beginning to question whoever thought it was a good idea to have a kid. There is no way I am ready! Whelp, I guess I just have to suck it up and deal. She's coming weather I am ready or not. --No seriously, I am super excited and can't wait to meet her!! I am looking forward to sharing loads of new experiences with Haylie.


Going on Walks...

Going to the zoo...

Enjoying our first meal together... (I promise that's not me)

Hanging out... 

While these might not be the way that you or I envision these treasured moments, they are definitely moments I am anxious about!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Haylie's Nursery
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Weekend Fun
I'm catching a break from the weekend activities to actually sit down! Yesterday was a full day and today promises to be the same. I'm hoping our lives will settle down soon!
Saturday started early with Justin and David running in the 5k for the Race for the Cure down in Bricktown. I didn't know it, but Elizabeth ran too! All three did a really good job. Better than I could have!
That evening, my cousin Andrew and his fiancee Karissa got married in Mustang. Their wedding was beautifully done and Karissa was absolutely stunning. I got a few pictures but not as many of the couple as I would have liked! Plus, I can not even describe how delicious their wedding cakes were. I'm not going to lie, I had a huge piece of each. YUM!

Exchanging of rings

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wheel of Fortune
Oh my word, Wheel of Fortune is coming to the OKC area! I can not decide if I want to go try to be a contestant. I LOVE Wheel of Fortune and I'm not half bad at the game. It is my goal every night to watch this show and practice my "fill in the blank" skills. This weekend is probably a bit full for me to go down to Harrah, and after reading the details, I highly doubt I would get on to audition. Knowing my luck, I would get up there and do like some of the other contestants I've seen on the show and solve the puzzle "Hole in One" as "Hole in Wall". Now, that doesn't even make sense. Ok maybe it does, but look at the number of letters! Come on people!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Isons are being moved to the 5th floor of labor & delivery and will probably be released tonight or tomorrow night. They would love visitors if anyone has the time. I believe the doctors are going to let the baby decide when he wants to come and not try to prevent anything further.
UPDATE (10/7/09): Chellie is being allowed to go home and return to a fairly normal routine. She can go back to work, but might not be out reporting in case something were to happen. The baby is allowed to come when he wants to...which, some people have been wondering if he has come already, but not yet!
UPDATE (10/7/09): Chellie is being allowed to go home and return to a fairly normal routine. She can go back to work, but might not be out reporting in case something were to happen. The baby is allowed to come when he wants to...which, some people have been wondering if he has come already, but not yet!
Update on Isons
Since Chellie doesn't have access to a computer right now, I'll just go ahead and post updates on my blog so no one is inundated with emails. I talked to her this morning and she was so grateful for everyone who was asking about her last night at M&M's. In case people didn't get the email:
Sunday night, Chellie started to have some pretty strong contractions, which brought them to Mercy Hospital for monitoring. She was already showing signs of early labor so the doctors are trying to stop it from progressing. Chellie's due date is late November, so they want to hold off on delivering the baby for at least a few more weeks. They were released from the hospital last night, but then after talking to the doctor Monday morning, were re-admitted since she has progressed a little bit further. She was started on an IV drip called mag to stop labor contractions. Chellie did get an ultrasound done, with the baby measuring to be at 35 weeks.
Chellie was on the mag until about 7 pm last night and then they took her off so she could eat/sleep. This morning, they hooked her back up to monitor her. Since the doctors gave her a steriod shot for the baby's lungs to develop faster, they are going to wait at least 48 hours to see if it helped. Right now they are just going to monitor her and see what happens. She might get to go home and be on bedrest or they might decide to go ahead and let her deliver the baby if they feel he is mature enough in his lungs to handle that. She said she'll definitely let me know if they are up for visitors so I'll pass that along in case you want to stop by.
Chellie was supposed to have a baby shower this Sunday, but that has been postponed until after the baby comes! So we'll all get to meet the little guy!
Depending on what happens, we might get a schedule of meals started for a few days out of the week.
Sunday night, Chellie started to have some pretty strong contractions, which brought them to Mercy Hospital for monitoring. She was already showing signs of early labor so the doctors are trying to stop it from progressing. Chellie's due date is late November, so they want to hold off on delivering the baby for at least a few more weeks. They were released from the hospital last night, but then after talking to the doctor Monday morning, were re-admitted since she has progressed a little bit further. She was started on an IV drip called mag to stop labor contractions. Chellie did get an ultrasound done, with the baby measuring to be at 35 weeks.
Chellie was on the mag until about 7 pm last night and then they took her off so she could eat/sleep. This morning, they hooked her back up to monitor her. Since the doctors gave her a steriod shot for the baby's lungs to develop faster, they are going to wait at least 48 hours to see if it helped. Right now they are just going to monitor her and see what happens. She might get to go home and be on bedrest or they might decide to go ahead and let her deliver the baby if they feel he is mature enough in his lungs to handle that. She said she'll definitely let me know if they are up for visitors so I'll pass that along in case you want to stop by.
Chellie was supposed to have a baby shower this Sunday, but that has been postponed until after the baby comes! So we'll all get to meet the little guy!
Depending on what happens, we might get a schedule of meals started for a few days out of the week.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Let the Classes Begin
Yesterday, Justin and I got the joy of attending our first "baby" class - "Childbirth." I was kind of excited about going just so Justin and I could really understand what was going to happen and be on the same page. Justin has a book to read and all that jazz, but he never quite finished it...so, I knew this was going to be a big eye opener for him. We actually had a good time and even though the class was supposed to go from 9-5, our instructor promised us to let us go early. Anyway, the morning went by fast - even with the video we watched that almost made me pass out. But, we both survived and made it through the day. The only drawback to this class was that there were two couples in our class that wouldn't stop commenting and asking questions! You could tell even our instructor was annoyed. I'm all for being knowledgeable, but seriously, there is a time and a place and that time and place is at your next doctor's appointment! The whole class does NOT need to know every detail about your pregnancy or birth plan. I was pretty patient with them until it hit about 3 pm and I knew there was no way we were going to get out early because we still had several things on the outline to cover. Yea, we got out at 5 pm. Thanks for making us stay late, friends.
Needless to say, we survived the 3 videos, breathing techniques, pictures, diagrams, the whole bit. We even got to slow dance to a song together like we were in middle school. Didn't see that one coming, but we had a good time. Next up, child feeding and child care! Whoo hoo!
Needless to say, we survived the 3 videos, breathing techniques, pictures, diagrams, the whole bit. We even got to slow dance to a song together like we were in middle school. Didn't see that one coming, but we had a good time. Next up, child feeding and child care! Whoo hoo!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Week from Today!
Next Thursday evening on the 8th, my sister and I are hosting a Uppercase Living party at her house. It starts at 7 pm!! If you, or anyone you know would be interested in coming, we'd love to have you. You can comment me if you want more details.
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